Hamanaka crochet hooks!Hamanaka crochet hooks! (Photo credit: ♥ KawaiiCloud ♥)Yarn PaletteYarn Palette (Photo credit: Dvortygirl)
Now that we know the beauty of art crocheted must know What method or the beginning which we begin with so that we can get out of work in the best picture and also proud that we we are doing, I know that a lot of people know this high art, but also there does not know or knows, but does not like to start or knows and does not want to produce and so on, and we now say that the work is easy and delicious, especially if we did personal crocheted for our purposes or our children, Azojna and around us.

And, God willing, will now explained what needs that we will need to begin to work and identify them are:
1 - needles crocheted:And there are many forms and multiple mismatch (wood and metal and plastic) and these needles is not secured in the figure, but the size of the job content in terms of the needle and thick, and when he say the size of the needle increased the size of the job in the sense (if Alepplerh 0 it is given filling thick) and the greater the size of the needle given fill Lift Thus, fine needles are used in bedspreads and bed sets and needles used in fish woolen clothes, carpets and other.
2 - thread:Every action has a type of string used his example: baby clothes thread ad hoc for this quality and placemats uses thin like the thread ( dmc ) The curtains and carpets sometimes uses wool yarn and women's clothing used with silk and mohair.
3 - scissors:We must no small scissors will we need Kthera when labor and if implicitly Khitun with some or come a thread and we got another.
4 - thread and needle:And to clean up the job in the end.

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